
UPDATE: 3 more entries below at very last minute. Please visit each other and will then add new post on Thursday night. Thank you! Welcome back, Karen! :)


Rupert's back! This time with his lovely, sweet wife and knickerbockers wearing spunky son in tow. (Can you tell he loves his Dad, sporting a red jumper and all, much like Rupert's usual wear? Haha.)

This piece was in fact inspired by our very own first family outing to an actual Christmas tree farm to pick out a real Christmas tree! (I've had fake trees for so long due to the kids' asthma when younger but now being older it's time to start new traditions.) Anyway, whilst pretty cold, it was sooo much fun and even snowed. Yippee! Needless to say, I was like a little kid myself, running through the trees, and glowing with glee with, I think, real tears when spotting (ehem) my perfect Charlie Brown Xmas tree! Yes, must admit, I do love to have lots of room to hang the decorations!

OK, no doubt,  I suspect many of you, especially Stateside, are not terribly keen to think about Xmas yet until at least Thanksgiving is done, but, what can I say? Well, it's very much xmas season in UK now (for better or worse), so I will simply blame it on my genes then! Nah, heh, really, I just love Christmas! Call me an old fashioned soft mush romantic or something, I know. And, with Alex loving it too, we are rather hopeless right now, finding, for example, new xmas songs and covers, and so on. 

So, with all that said, I do hope a few more of you bear with me and sign up. We shall see. So far, I've got Linda's entry guessed right but what will the rest of you do who happen to chime in? :)


  1. Lovely piece Michael, a happy piece as you and Alex and family are!

  2. Michael/Mister Toast, I love this drawing! It is such a cute and sweet illustration, and a perfect example of Christmas Wonder in the family, too (although the "Ho ho ho" you captioned it with works amazingly). Thanks so much for this fun assignment!

    1. You know, Donna, you are right --Christmas wonder would have worked particularly well here or if I had shown the mice looking at the tree the moment they decided upon it. :) Thank you for telling me you had fun with this too. Do love to know if peeps liked the theme or not.

  3. Oh how wonderful, Rubert and his darling family. These would be a wonderful set of cards. Christmas is such a wonderful time of year. Glad we got to do this early.

    1. Yes, Wanda, I was thinking early is good as the hols get us all so busy and some of us can use our art for cards or what have you as I hope you do indeed for your own lovely stockings piece. :) Thank you.

  4. HaHaHa...I just noticed that little Rubert....lost his shoe...cute cute cute.

    1. Oh good, glad you got that! Hee. I had to show that they are stil real mice, wit their knees bending the opposite direction and how the others must be walking on thier tip toes for the shoes to even work for them! LOL not an easy task for them, mind you, and thus the fallen off boot.

  5. this piece is adorable! I wish I have done something similiar, but I couldn't think of anything except candy canes.

    hope you have a great day.

    1. Well, never mind, candy canes work great! As you will see, I had a whole different idea of what you might do, something more like this but there you go. Thank you!

  6. Hi Michael! I actually tried to post something this session. It's now Tuesday, November 18th at 9:15pm, but the Linky has expired. Can we do anything about it?

    1. Well, it's up now. I squeezed it in for you! thank you for letting me know, Chris.

  7. Michael,
    Your piece is out standing and I just love it. But I'm so sad:(( I just posted my submission for Creative Tuesday (I"m late) on my blog and jumped over to sign up and Linky Widget had closed...
    Well maybe next time. Everyone art lot great!
    The Adventurous Art Teacher

    1. Thank you for your interest in coming back, Karen. Lovely to have you. Glad you added this piece and we got it up for you for us all to see and comment. Thank you! :) Remember, you will have two weeks to post something up until about 10 pm MST on the due date. Feel free to post beforehand if you prefer and visit othes then too. I tend to leave mine until Tuesday too...as a reminder before announcing new them on Wednesday night. Thursday night this time round though to give peeps more time to see yours, Chris' and Alex' last minute entries. Lol. Thank you for you lovely comment too.

  8. Awww, thank you for your kind comments. It certainly looks like Rupert is going to have a perfect Christmas, he looks so happy, especially in his Santa suit and beard. Love the touch of the boot left in the snow. This little scene really shows how you are feeling about the festive season this year and is very heart warming indeed. Perfect!

  9. Thank you so much, Michael. I will try to participate more regularly. Just coming out of a non-creative spell.

    1. No worries, Chris. I don't anyone to contribute every time.....um, except I really ought to, right? Ha. I often find seeing other's interpretations gives me the inspiration and creative boost needed to go do my own thing. It;s funny how that works out.

  10. We do Christmas right after Halloween. Love it. Both are fun to decorate for. So much fun to draw, as well. Going to have a look about your place.

    1. ooh, that's early! :) Love it too. Thank you for visiting.

    2. Yes, we don't muck around here. And we love the lights. So pretty. Though I ran out of lights and wasn't able to do the little outside tree.

      I was able to join your blog, today. So I'll be back again. Thanks for all the visits to my end of the world.

      PS: Love your style of art. Looking forward to seeing more.
