SKYSCRAPERS and Final Sign Up

Just a week ago it was bright and summery outside, feeling distinctly Spring like but then this last weekend we had 8-9" of thick powdery snow. (That's wonderful Colorado for you. It can snow in June sometimes but usually comes off with a simple brush off!) In fact, I was thinking how Christmassey it felt which inspired me here with this illustration. The warmth and glow of good tidings in the midst of a bleak yet surprising storm.

Now, it's your turn. If you've created something for this theme but haven't signed up yet, today is your last chance! I'll visit the rest of you later to see what you have in store. Thank you. :)


  1. I love the little peek in the window and that dark background!! I really love this piece!! I'm working on my trees so I don't have any building to share for this theme.

  2. That Christmassy window looks so inviting and warm. Love how the blue building gives so much contrast against the dark. Beautiful drawing Michael with so much depth.

  3. I love what you have done with this MMm! All the wonderful details are there.

  4. Wonderful cityscape, Michael!

  5. lovely drawing, very feative. I like christmas in June.

    the weather in NY is about the same, snow, sun, rain, repeat.

    have a great day.
