My 2015 Word

I doubt anyone could guess the word I came up with for the year simply by looking at my painting above, true, but as it is, it took me the whole two weeks to even figure out how to illustrate it! So, what's my word? Radiant! It's certainly not one I would have ever guessed for myself initially actually. Something about it just resonated, especially after looking it up in the thesaurus. It's that idea of being sunny, hope-filled, joyful even, in the midst of things. It's beauty and confidence all wrapped up in one; consciously choosing to see opportunities instead of obstacles; hope instead of fear; alight with confidence instead of dissuaded with disappointment. Vibrancy is its drumbeat. :) That is my hope and focus for this year. I'm hoping ...even expecting...this to be my breakthrough year! I'm not going to let the hurts of the past and the things I can't change or the unknowns to define my present, let alone my future. There's no room for that when being radiant. Nope, I'm going to be too focused on seeing the blessings of the present, come what may. That is my declaration!

And now what's your word? I look forward to perusing your works for those of you who took on this somewhat nebulous challenge. Thank you. (A rather more concrete theme for the next fortnight follows...)

P.S. Adding some extra sparkle as a final footnote: Today, btw, is my birthday! 


  1. Michael,
    This is wonderful. I read the beginning of Margaret Feinberg's Fight Back with Joy and it certainly helped me have a better attitude while struggling through 17 days of flu. Radiant - what a great word. Your blog is encouraging to me and I will keep painting my thoughts, my feelings and my life.

    1. Janis, thanks for your comment. I just looked up this book and lady and it sounds like Margaret has found true joy--one that is not based on circumstances. That is great and rare to see.

  2. Michael, you know I love you like a (nephew) and this is coming so straight from the heart that I feel with all you do and say. I just love the illustration, and I want to fly with her and feel the warmth of the sun, Michael, you radiate love and compassion in your life and in your art...I love being a part of this CT. I had computer problems and took 5 hours to post mine....but I hung in there...almost changed my word to Endurance. HaHa. Hugs.

    1. Haha, "Aunty" Wanda! Your endurance comment practically had me spitting out my tea. Too too funny. Thanks you SO much for your lovely words. It's funny as I've been told before that mercy and compassion are my greatest gifts (when I always think if anything it's humour). Oh well. We do what we can, right? If only we could be that to everyone. RE: your art-- I'm so glad you stuck it out and finished your piece. I'm really looking forward to seeing it. Thank you again for your encouragement and about Ct too. It is all of ours, you know?! That is certainly one of YOUR gifts, no doubt! :)

  3. Dear Michael - Happy - Very Happy Birthday to you, I wish you many great things of luck and happiness for the whole year of 2015... I love your painting of Radiant - I look in each week but it has not been that good for me.. the time .. but IT WILL be better ;)

    1. Oh I ;m so osrry, Mariane. I understand but do hope you are up and at it again soon enough. Thank you for even taking the time to pop in and visit. You are always welcome and we are all thankful anytime you can add your art pieces too. We need each other that way for a co-op to work. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and am wishing you well.

  4. Hi Michael, your art is superb. Janis Cox lead me to your site.

    1. Aw, thank you sooo much, Tracy. Do join us. Even if you draw stick figures it;s fine. Read my FAQs to learn more. You can even crochet, sew or collage for those who don;t like to draw. :)

    2. Hi Michael,
      I meant to wish you a happy birthday, so happy belated birthday, and hey, just celebrate everyday!
      Also have you chosen a new word yet?

    3. The new word..or THEME is up now. See latest post on top -- AROUND THE WORLD. :)

  5. Happy Happy Birthday, Michael/Mister Toast! I know your name but I love C.T. and your Art Name, hence my always calling you Mister Toast. This is a beautiful and happy painting of Radiance, and it brings that feeling of Holiday Joy, which is nice since the season has past. I love C.T. and am grateful for you for doing it, and bringing it back. Have a fabulous and celebratory day, and hope you and Alex and your family and your Scottie have a ton of fun :-D

    1. Your writing always bring a warm cheer to my heart, Donna. Thank you. And yes, I am Mr Toast here. Shoot, even Alex calls me that now. Hahah. I do so love it. It is very apropos for me, really. If oyu knew me in person you would find that true very quickly. I'm so glad to read you here as I'm not sure I saw your comment last go around and so have been wondering if you are ok? Hope you are. Know that all your extra efforts in your posts and art never go unnoticed. Thank you so much for helping make CT what it is today. I consider you a valuable (if not, quirky) member! :)

  6. Can't believe I missed wishing you a Happy Birthday. Sending balloons with my heart, and cake in my thoughts.

  7. Well Michael, I love your word and your painting! I will also take your positive inspiration from that! And thanks for your wonderful comment on my blog today, much appreciated.

    And Happy Birthday!

    1. Thanks Christine! It's good to know too that one's word are read and taken in. They were certainly meant.

  8. I did not finish my piece and almost decided not to post but at the last moment I thought, why not? I doubt I would finish by the end of the week but I'll let you know if I ever post the finish piece.

    happy birthday! I wish you great joy and many wonderful and new, creative adventures. have a great day.

    1. Well, I;m so glad you did submit your piece, Lissa. VERY. It;s lovely. I can't wait to see it finished. Thank you for all the time you put in to that. I hope your end piece is every bit as good as I suspect it will be and most importantly, is what you envision it to be.

  9. I forgot to say how nice your CT is. the first that came to mind was 'light' so I'm totally wrong about your word. though I think 'light' is almost like ' Radiant', right? I still like loose way of drawing and this works really well.

    again, happy birthday!

    1. Ha, one of the words for Radiant is ablaze with light so yup, that works! :) Thank you.

  10. Happy birthday Mr T! No doubt with lots of tea and cake to celebrate. You have shown the word perfectly, using the height and light radiating down to the earth and onto the houses, bringing hope and joy to all. (Like your hosting of CT as well.) Great perspective too, but then you are superb drawing this way. May your year be radiant filled with joy and happiness.

    1. Haha, you'd think I was a blimp, wouldn't you? Let me assure you though, I am not! Yes, my daughter made a wonderful lemon cake with strawberry jam in the middle and berries all around. Very English ...and yummy... indeed!
      Thanks for your perceptive comments too, Linda. Very much appreciated. It's great knowing people catch things like that. :)

  11. Great word and artwork. Super well done.

    Got your comment about SketchBook. Working with it, I have issues with the back button and the erase. Neither of these work for me, but I've grown out of my last program.

    What, if any, did you like about the program? And what did you most, dislike?

    1. Well, HW, I am an expert in Photoshop so have got so used to the layering and masks with that, I suppose. One thing I did like about Sketchbook was how one could control gradients and angles of colours from a tool vs redoing it everytime. Can't remember much else, must say. LOL.
      Thank you for you kinds words on my piece above.

    2. I have Xara, which I enjoy for photography. Never used Photoshop, though I hear many enjoy it.

      Sure thing on the picture. You're a natural.

  12. I so see the radiance already!! Love the drawing.. one of your best yet :)

    1. Really? Wow. Awesome. thank you darling Rachel. How lovely to have you visit!

  13. It's a bit odd Replying here since I can tell you later BUT as it is, thank you, Smoots and for adding the shout outs.
    I'm so glad it reflects the things you mention. Rock on! :)

  14. Well I'm late again.... There just isn't enough hours in the day.. But I posted mine today and visited all the ladies choices. They are all wonderful, and I particularly like your choice.. After reading your post I wanted to steal it! ha ha
    Wishing you an abundance of Radiance.

    1. Aw well that's ok. Can you send me the link to it and I'll include it in the next write up for the new theme. I'd love to have peeps see your work and word. Maybe you can get on the next theme? Thank you for your comments, btw. Big smiles here...coming from the Adventurous Art Teacher, in particular.

    2. Good morning Michael.... Here's the link
      Have a great Friday ;)

    3. Yes, found it as you no doubt read in latest post. Thank you.

  15. Such a lovely illustration Michael. Sweet angel. She is radiant for bringing joy and happiness to others. Being radiant is a great feeling. Like you wrote beauty and confidence all wrapped together. No one can change the past, no reason worry about the future. Important to enjoy this moment.
