Under the Leaves

Pondering over this theme for about a week or so and wanting to interpret it in some different kind of way, it suddenly occurred to me: Why not show the leaves like this?!

Decades ago, I attended a beautiful wedding held under such a canopy, a chuppah, as it's called in Jewish weddings. (Ironically, while that couple's now sadly divorced, the spectacle of their ceremony still stands out to me as one of the most lovely attended.)

While showing such a tent covering, I also didn't want to limit it to just this religious tradition but open it up to other kinds of marriage ceremonies as well, thus turning the man towards us and leaving it unclear whether the groom was wearing a yarmulke or not (fine as that would be). 

After drawing this imaginary scene out on watercolour paper, I again asked Alex if she'd please get me started by painting in the initial foundation for the sky and leaves (guiding her in the process on how I wanted it to look in general). She thankfully, gladly obliged, which then gave me the courage to take on the rest of it! :) I then proceeded to paint the sky in a bit darker, added different colours to the grass, canopy folds, garlands, etc, and finally ended up drawing in the whimsical details with my ink pen while filling in a few spots here and there with a white marker.

OK, enough on my piece. Time to follow up on yours...!  Do please be sure to visit each person listed below. Thank you so much for playing along. I'm looking forward to seeing how you've interpreted this challenging theme! (The next one will be far easier, I promise!)


  1. Aww, for a minute there I was certain it was you and Alex under those leaves!

  2. Hi Michael and I should always say hi to Alex. How wonderful that Alex painted the initial background. This piece is so dreamy (light and airy). You certainly captured the love shared between the couple. Sorry to hear they are divorced though. Adding the doves was a beautiful touch too! Have a happy day! :-) Off to check out the other masterpieces very soon.

  3. I don't know much about weddings so, I really do not know all the differences but this piece is quite romantic. this could be some anniversary couples card or something.

    sorry, no entry from me. perhaps the next one.

    hope you have a lovely day.

    p.s., I don't see the link list.

    1. Well, your visits are always appreciated, nonetheless, Lissa!

  4. Great job, you two. Tim and I will work together on stuff as well. It's the best. I love being married. Sounds like you do as well.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

    1. I don't make for a very good single life kind of person, must say.

  5. I love the gentle romantic atmosphere. A lovely light and airy touch.

  6. My god-daughter is getting married this June. Love this rendering - fresh and creative.

  7. My first thought was of you and Alex! Love the added touch of the white doves laying the flowers. You have managed to keep the whole piece so light and romantic, beautiful!

  8. This is beautiful, I also thought it was you and Alex at first! Great watercolor and ink work, and so fun you guys collaborated as an artistic couple :-D This was very fun to draw, and everyone and you did great work Mr. Toast, thanks as always (-:

  9. Michael and Alex,
    This is a lovely Watercolour. I particularly like the birds. What a lovely touch which adds a little action. Just beautiful.

    1. That is so nice of you to say, Janis. Thank you.
