Four and twenty blackbirds...Sign Up Now!

"...Baked in a Pie." Or at least that's how the old nursery rhyme goes. "Wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king?"  Hmm. While it was fun singing that diddly, I'm not quite sure any of us would find that much BAKED GOODNESS there! No, I'm thinking in this day and age, however you showed that, even your pets would know it was indeed good and certainly made with love. It's the thought that surely counts. But, what do you think? How about you show us your own version of this theme, come Tuesday, March 15th. Yes, that would be "scrummy," as Mary Berry delightfully notes in that deliciously produced series, The Great British Bake Off.

All we're looking for here is that you put your heart into it. Maybe you don't even show the end results but the dreaming, planning and prep work? I don't know, but a cupboard full of ideas pop to mind. I'm sure they will for you too. And I might even do another montage of our efforts when done! Speaking of which, I added our own (as promised) below the last post's sign up, if you'd like to see it. Thank you to each of you who played along. Even our doggie got into the mix! :) What fun learning some lovely things about everyone. Thank you again.


  1. Ok off to think of delicious cakes

  2. Speaking of British Bake Offs etc. (love that show when I've time to watch), my post today doesn't have art but you might enjoy a new way to use your marmalade Michael - without the toast this time, but so delish!

    Hugs - Mary

    1. Cant wait to catch up w your posts again, dear Mary! Alex tells me it's grand! :)

  3. I've not heard of this nursey rhyme and I have to say, I'm not quite sure I like it but maybe I'll just focus on the last part about the pie.

    have a lovely day.

    p.s. just saw the collage, looks great.

    1. Thanks for your input. I figured some might not have heard of it but the point is to focus on the theme, BAKED GOODNESS. The nursery rhyme was just a tease to have you and others read what was the new theme.

      I'd say the main point is to focus on what that bakes goodness looks to you IT means when something is made and baked with good intent.

    2. sadly, I came up with nothing. will wait for the next theme.

      have a wonderful day.

  4. I'm thinking intent more than results so we shall see. ")

  5. Many Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes are about food. I have a black pie bird....and it get's baked in a pie..HaHa.
    This sound fun. "Little Jack Horner, sat in a corner..... Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet........and the beat goes on.. I raised 4 kids on Mother Goose. HaHa

    1. Oh Michael...the Great British Bakeoff.....:Yummmm!!

  6. Sorry Michael, unexpected challenges...won't be able to participate this time, but will look forward to seeing all the fun from the rest of the group.

    1. AW, and you are SUCH a baker! Well, never mind -- you keep participating in your real life baking instead and blessing all those around you! Lucks guns. :)

    2. I'll miss seeing your fabulous art, Wanda. But there's always next time, right? :-)

  7. I'll be back. :-) Great prompt, Michael.

  8. Michael,
    Kathy's link doesn't go where it should.
    Thanks again for the challenge.
