Light up! New Theme due April 12th. (Sign Up Now)

Author Unknown. See this full image and others on CT's Pinterest board.

Before going into the new theme, I wanted to say thank you to all of you for having so much imagination with your pieces. In fact, I created a montage of all our Easter Egg contributions and added it to the end of the last post if you'd like to go and see that. As you'll note too, each piece is numbered to coincide with the artist's number on the sign-up above. If you haven't already, go check it out! It really shows the variety we can come up with on one simple theme. I don't know about you, but I love to see that.  :)

OK, so how many of you like to read late into the evening with just a bedside light on? Or maybe you prefer to venture outside when it's really dark, camping out under the stars? Whatever it is, night or day, how about you show us a scene with one, two, or more LAMPS in it? It could be from real life or something illuminated from your imagination. Regardless, I'm sure it will be fascinating! And, if we can get at least 7 people to join in, I'll go ahead and create another CT montage spotlight of all your work. Thank you.


  • Post artwork related to Creative Tuesdays' theme only.
  • Keep written posts related to the art and easy to read.
  • Avoid adding extra links, art, pics, videos, etc, unless directly related to your piece.
  • Be sure to visit everyone.
This is intended to keep our co-op fun and less confusing/time-consuming for visitors, while maintaining our brand. Thank you for playing along, linking back here and visiting each other too! Your support helps many of us not just continue creating art but trying out new things when seeing all the ways a theme can be interpreted.


  1. Good theme. I love lamps and I've been know to burn the midnight oil with a good book. I better get cracking....The montage of the Easter Theme was lovely.

    1. Aw, thank you, Wanda. Yes, you read both night and day, don't you?! If you can play along on this theme, great. Seeing your lamp photo on that post you did around Easter helped cement the idea for me so I'm thrilled to read you love the theme! I knew you'd love Lamps!

  2. Read every night with just the bedside light on, but really don't like dark cloudy nights with no moon. Loved the montage and realise these take time to put together, so thank you Michael.

    1. Yes, they do so thank you for saying that. I know you said that you used to like to show those to your co-workers way back when. Maybe some of your peeps there will enjoy them? :)

      You know, Linda, I jsut knew you;d say that you read every night. Great!

  3. Love that photo, interesting how they capture the radiant light. Thanks as always for being such a good host!

    1. Yes, that is what I was thinking too. Thank you for noticing, Chritine! :)

  4. The image with the cat evokes such a warm feeling of contentment. Very soothing. I like how that small area is lit up in the darkness. Like a Baroque painting. The montage was fun to see.

    1. Yes, doesn't it? I hope you;ll join us next time around, Barbara! thank you for visiting!

  5. Hi Michael, I'm a friend of Tammies with the occasional drawing challenge and am thinking of joining in to some more art challenges. I just read your rules though and am involved with Susannah Conway's April Love challenge for every day in April, which means I would be tying two challenges together on a Tuesday. I just read your update saying you'd prefer no other links, so I guess that would put me out of the Creative Tuesday group till possibly May. Have I got that right? I don't want to create any problems for you or the group. :D

    1. Hi Veronica! Yes, by all means join us starting in May! Thanks for checking.
      Yes, we like to keep it just CT related because as soon as someone starts to add another co-op or other material combines, the posts get longer and take longer for everyone to read, etc. CT's intention is for everyone to visit everyone so I like to keep it as easy as possible for people and make sure the pieces are related to the theme.
      As it is though, I know all about Susannah Conway's marvelous blog and writings so enjoy that then hop over here. Can't wait to have another fresh perspective on our themes. you can also feel free to suggest ones along the way. I visited your lovely sight and think it woudl be thrilling to have your input here, whatever level you consider yourself. While we don't do photography, one doesn't have to simply draw or paint either. As you may have noted, we allow for fabric designs and art, collages, sculpting, etc.,--whatever works for you there. See you then! :)

  6. Only 4 peeps so far and the theme was so easy! Lol. Ok, that does it--next one will be difficult. Maybe we all like to rise to the challenge? Hm...we shall see!

  7. Oh look, we got 7 peeps! jsut enough to do the montage! :D Yeahhhh!!!

  8. Thanks for doing this beautiful montage Michael!

  9. I have been doing entries, and posted on my blog, but I can't find where I go to post them on this site. Any help would be great.

    1. Kathy, sign up is every other tuesday. Next one is in two days. Jsut sign up your piece when ready. Follow instructions. :) hope to see you then.
