NEW CT THEME IS.....(due TODAY, Oct 4th)

Artwork by Anna Walker (video). Check out her wonderful art and animations!

Sing along with me now: If you go down to the woods today you're in for a big surprise. If you go down to the woods today you won't believe your eyes...because... LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD OR SNOW WHITE might be down there too! :) Yes. That is the new theme. Take your pick and let your imaginations wander. I think this could be really fun. Just look at all the ways to depict these classic fairy tales! Regardless of which story, I'm thinking that red and woods are prevailing for both. Hmm... the ideas are turning! :)

If you've ever considered joining in before but haven't, this is a good time as any. So, come venture in the creative woods with us today! And, frankly, truth be told, if enough of us aren't able to do it for whatever reason,  I'm not convinced it's worth the effort of the few of us to keep this co-op chugging along. If the writing's on the wall, so be it, but I hope not. I know that last time I shut down CT, few of us ever did any art in the 6 month absence and I'd be sorry to see it go after all these years. Well, we shall see. If it's time for something new, that's OK too.

To mix things up this go round, and for the sake of experimentation, I'm putting the sign up now but of course, you still have two weeks, until Tuesday, Oct 4th, midnight MST, to submit your work, visit each other and so on. See you then! :)

P.S. I'll be re-posting this every few days to keep a post-feed reminder for us all too. Thank you for your contributions.


  1. Thanks for hosting, and hopefully we can get others to sign on! Hmm, tough choice here, lol.

  2. I know there are other creative co-ops out there but it's not the same, you know? thank you for hosting all this time. it's a little sad to break up this co-op but I'm with you on whatever you decide.

    have a lovely day.

    1. I TOTALLY know what you mean You adn Christine have been so consistent and have helped keep it going. Looks like there is interest still out there so let's hope...! :)

  3. I'm a day late looking at this but I will join in next Tuesday - I just have to keep a reminder some how. I have stopped by here and there to look and enjoy the sketches and it would be a shame for you to close it down.

    1. just reread it and see i would have until Oct 4 to join in. I'll get busy.

    2. Nice to meet you, Sandy, and thank you so much for following along. Yes, I quite agree with you--it would indeed be a shame. It's just a fair bit of work to keep this going and for each of us to do our stuff if only 3 people visit and leave a comment. The idea is a small groupof creatives online to be a support group but maybe not quite that small. It maybe that people are ready for a change though? I know for me, at least, I LOVE that we have a whole fortnight to do the theme, finding the time when works for each of us AND that we all focus on ONE theme. I enjoy seeing the variety too. :)
      It would be lovely if you join us, but up to you. Your style would offer a good "texture" to our works. :)

  4. i do hope that we have enough participants to keep it going! i always enjoy your themes and having two weeks in between has been perfect for me. But, if you decide to take a break for a bit, i will understand.

    1. As I noted above to Sue, I am in total agreement. I want to be sensitive to the fact though that perhaps this group no longer meets people's needs and a break would do us all good? Hope no but I am not resistant to change and there are other co-ops out there, like Color Collective that I would so enjoy to, possibly offer greater exposure to our pieces~ We shall see!!

  5. Hello! I have just come across your blog and really hope you are able to keep it going. I think this is such a good idea and love the scope and guidelines for the challenge. I cant wait to get cracking with my submission and looking at everyone else's. See you soon!

    1. Wow, that woudl be so great to have your submission adn thank you for cehcking out the guidelines as that is imporatant to to maintain some semblance of a specific group. :)

  6. I wish I were/could be a bit more consistent in my participation as I totally love your link up. However I am constantly torn between photo art and drawing, so often times I spend my free time working on a photoshop composite and don't have any themed drawing for your CT. But I feel your pain, about a year ago I started my own linkup each Saturday, not even giving a theme, but participation is really slow. I took a summer break and only started the linkup and blogging again these days. So, we'll see if I will manage a themed drawing within the next two weeks and how everything goes, but I will definitely continue to drop by.

    1. Hi Claudia. thank you for your comment and good to read You know, CT does allow for montages and collages as long as any photos used have been seriously edited, cropped out etc so we are not jsut duplicating photos. I actualyl was thinking of doing a collage theme one of these days. If you ever think a pice might work for a theme, feel free to ask me and I can take a look. Thank you for your words here.

    2. BTW, I had a hard time figuring out how to lave a comment on your photo montage. It would be great if we could as that interaction, I find, is what makes the co-op work so well. Anyway, I think I left a google comment on my public profile after all that. Let me know if you get it,

    3. Hi Michael, I'm afraid it must not have worked, because I do not see a comment anywhere. Strange. Also, it should be 'easy'. Not sure which montage you are referring to, but this is the one with the moon and this is the latest one with the tomatoes Once there it should be easy enough, but you never know. The ways of the inter-webs can be oh so complicated :). But I agree what you say about interaction, it is the essence of blogging for me and I am always very disappointed when I find someone 'walking the one way street' so to speak. Also, I didn't know that CT allowed for 'very altered photo montages', I thought of CT as a drawing, sketching etc. theme. Hmm, come to think of it, one of your regulars posts sewing... o.k. so, maybe that might work at some point, too. Thanks for the hint! Although I'm afraid that 10/4 will most likely not work due to personal stuff I have going on right now.

  7. Oh, I just saw that I missed 'pattern' theme. That would have been right up my alley with the fabric I have been doing but I just didn't see it in time. Oh well, I do hope to enter with something woodland like this time!

    1. Hi again. I actually talked about the different kind of bloggers and artists who have joined Ct over the years and mentioned you with your unique art...and blog name! Thank yu for popping by. I will have to see what you've been up to to picture that as a pattern. :)

  8. Hi All! I started but didn't finish my pattern piece in finish my pattern piece in time, so, my next post will be for both. I love C.T. and do not want it to get shut down, I apologize for being late )-: I look forward to seeing all the fairy tale art it is my favourite (-:

    1. God idea to combine the two if you can, Donna. Yes, we need you! :)

  9. Morning all, first submission posted. I have really enjoyed doing this. As it says in my post its not quite the same as the image my brain came up with but its a good starting point I think. Right, I am off to look at the other submissions. Really looking forward to the next theme.

    1. Dancin', thank you for visiting everyone and for your contribution, again! You know, I smiled as I read your comment as I think most of us end up with pieces not quite as we had initially pictured it. Then there is Lissa, who used to run this co-op in the old days and she just invents hers as she goes along! However you come up with it, I love to see all the different ways we interpret things.

  10. Oh please don't stop Michael, I enjoy visiting and just wish I could post more often. It's a little crazy in my neck of the woods at the moment (hehe... see what I did there... it's a link!) Anyway, I will strive to sort myself out and post more.
    Love that illustration. It's fantastic!
    Have a great week and I hope to see you again soon ;D
