New Theme for June 4th is...

I have to laugh. Who would have thunk it? That TRIO would get so many of you joining in and even some newbies too. Thank you! I so enjoyed all the various entries and trust you did too, no? If you haven't reviewed them yet, you can always look back at the last post and check them out.

In the meanwhile... let's introduce our newest theme, something sweet this time...
Copyright: Jojolarue Etsy Shop. Check it out!

Yes, we're doing CANDY! How fun, and, yes, Linda, Niina and others, feel free to do SWEETS instead if you prefer. :)

(* As always, please feel free to first read CREATIVE TUESDAYS Guidelines, Rules & FAQ —especially if new here— for keeping consistency and brand ID on our co-op and with respect to all those who contribute here. ONLY posts that clearly follow the simple guidelines will be included or commented on, in interest of time and so on. Thank you.)


  1. Lovely & colourful example. Tasty too I have no doubt. I will do sweets too, if that's ok ;)

  2. Already posted my candy art. Looking forward to all the sweet illustrations!

    1. OOh, already, Abigail? I'll go check it out. Thank you!

  3. "OH HOW SWEET IT IS" ~~ I will have time to do this one, as we will be heading to Oregon the middle of June for that new grandbaby, and I'll be gone for a few weeks.

    I like this new theme...Better go look in the cookie jar!

    1. Wanda, I so can;t wait to see what you do. Hey, you could bake it too then paint a picture of it. Yumm, I am sure you make divine cookies! :)

  4. My sweet candy confections are uploaded. Hope you like. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else does now :0) Mo

    1. What? Already, TT? I will have to look! Thank you.

  5. Hi! I would like to join Creative Tuesdays if you will have me. My post is all ready to go, just not quite sure about linking up. I have tried Mr. Linky but it wouldn't work for me. I will try again, but any help you can give me would be appreciated.
    Chrisj at

  6. Several hours later...well I think I'm linked up now but my name and URL still appears in the box on your blog -- at least it did twice in the last 10 minutes. What am I doing wrong?

    1. Hi Chris! Welcome! I see your link up there so I guess you got it to work out. Next time, do be sure to link to the POST ITSELF, not your blog alone as then one has to dig and may not find it. (In case you don;t know--All you have to do is click on the blog post and copy (control-C) the link address URL on top of browser and paste it into the sign up form. I may do that for you later in fact. Well, now you know! :) )

  7. Love the sample and had a ton of fun drawing this one! I loved "Candy Land" as a kid, so it was amazing to get to create a bit of a throwback to that :-) Thanks Mister Toast!

    1. You know, Donna, I was thiking of that game, Candy Land, when I came up w/ the theme and wondered if someone might explore that Can you believe it, but Ive never even played the game. At least, if I have, I can;t recall the details now but I do remember the board. LOL.

  8. Very fun prompt! Thanks for always providing these great prompts.

  9. Finding time to still do this is getting harder and harder - I have a zillion and one art projects but I still wanted to share my cupcakes :)

    1. I know! Look at me--procrastinated until today! LOL. Well, well done getting it done! Wow...that line has some serious repetition, doesn't it. Tsk, tsk. :)

  10. I think you have used Candy as a theme before or something similar, couldn't really remember. it always seems like so much time has passed whenever participate in CT.

    have a happy day.

  11. Ah, Lissa, so glad you joined in again. Took a peek at your art and loved it. Will leave a comment on Tuesday.

    I haven't done CANDY/SWEETS per se, BUT we have explored SWEETHEART where I think Heather did candy hearts and then we've also done other yummy themed theme, like ICE CREAM, CUPCAKES, BUBBLEGUM and SNACK. Ha. So, yes, I blame it on my English side-- have to have treats, you know. :)

  12. Loving the prompt this of my favorite themes! SWEET!
