Tower of PIEs!

Oh dear me, this lil' guy certainly has his hands full... and, umm, well, tums too, actually, doesn't he?! :)

I had fun drafting this up as part of the online #inktober challenge of INKing up something every day for the entire month of October! Whoa. Needless to say, I only started on the 5th. (Falling behind already!) Funnily enough, it took me ages to come up with an idea that could be used for this Creative Tuesdays' theme but once it popped into my head, the drawing itself only took about 20 minutes or so. The digital colouring, however, took FAR longer! Lol. Well, anyway, here you go...

If you haven't finished checking out everyone's work yet, be sure to pop back here up through the end of tonight — you never know who might get theirs in, just in time!

Thanks for your contributions, as always, helping make this co-op a regular commitment for me.  I don't know about you, but I need that. And you lot make it so much more fun. My heart literally warms when thinking on EACH of you (it really does) — how your art has blossomed, your various artistic styles and personalities, and so on. Thank YOU. :D

P.S. BTW, Lissa is having a FABULOUS giveaway for her 100th post! Congratulate her and check it out. You've got until Oct 10th to win something wonderful! :) (Make sure to click on the "continue reading" link too — you won't regret it. Oh and whilst there, explore see her incredible details on the "Swoon" pic she just completed.)


  1. I enjoy your creative whimsical style. The digital colouring is fantastic! Wonderul take on your theme.

  2. I agree I love the cute illustration of the little boy and his towering pile of pies. Great work! Yay for Inktober and C.T. I got my entry in just in time! Also I tried to comment on everyone's blog, but one of the links failed? Laurie McKnight's blog seems to have disappeared. If there's another link just let me know :-)

    1. Yes, noticed that, Donna. I will fix it if the site get's updated. Thank you! So glad you got yours in on time!

  3. this is a sweet piece, I definitely like this. is that a spoon up there or some type of scooping utensil, sorry I forgot the word for that.

    thanks for the link. strangely, I might just extend the date again just for the fun of it.

    & sadly, I did not finish my CT piece. I did not have the time but I did have fun researching a baker's kitchen, there's just too many ways to decorate a bowl or a plate or a utensil or even the tiles on the wall. and yes, I did look at the CT pinterest board, it was a good starting point, so thanks!

    anyway, have a great day.

    1. So glad you looked at the board. Haha, that utensil is called a pie server. It is triangular to fit perfectly under a slice of pie! LOL.

      Thank you.

  4. Just LOVE this little chap juggling all his pies Michael! The expression on his face is priceless. This is certainly one of my favourites. Brilliant!

  5. such a wonderfully cute piece
    so creative of you
    I will have to join in some time

    1. Please do Tammie. Simple directions above. We'd love to have you. Thank you!

  6. Aww, that's ok. And I know! I want that pie too. hahahha.
