NEW THEME for June 18th is....

Everyone seemed to enjoy the last theme — well done! Hopefully you didn't eat too much candy along the way! :) Now, for our next theme, I'm pretty sure most of you will guess it right away from this darling little example...
BTW, sorry, not sure who created this one, but, you know, just because we're looking at the ALPHABET doesn't mean you have to do every letter like above. You could just show one letter for example, like J for Jellyfish, or perhaps just present a few illustrations for some of the letters or even only illustrate letters by themselves. I rather like this idea too — no illustration required — just some artsy/crafty fun with paint and glue. Another option might be exploring how one could paint the letter areas inside a stencil. Who knows? Basically, the options are limitless, aren't they? I hope you'll relish this challenge as much as I think I will. (Ha, I actually already have an idea in mind!) Enjoy. Sign up whenever you're done...

(* As always, please feel free to first read CREATIVE TUESDAYS Guidelines, Rules & FAQ —especially if new here— for keeping consistency and brand ID on our co-op and with respect to all those who contribute here. ONLY posts that clearly follow the simple guidelines will be included or commented on, in interest of time and so on. Thank you.)


  1. If I were going to be would probably be "B" for BABY. HaHa. See you when I get home.

    1. That works for me. Or how about Gg for Grandchildren and then who a a whole capoodle of them, using their names? Could be a fun family gift.

  2. Replies
    1. I look forward to seeing what you come up with, Christine! Good luck. :) you know what would be really fun, is to ilustrate some of the letters that have to do with Canada! M for maple leaf, i for ice hockey, l for luge. :)

  3. I have shared my creativity this week with Tag Tuesday and used the current letter there of V, for which I chose the wod Vintage. I used a bus theme, which my wee man is very passionate about. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else does. :0) Mo

  4. Hey You ! Michael SO nice to see your smiling (tres handsome ;-) mug front & centre ... finally. Much love from me & les Gang here at 29 Black Street. I need to join this Creative Tuesday group. xoxo Susan

    1. Wow, Susan, what a surprise to see you here! thank you so much for visiting. Hehe, I felt it might add some brand loyalty to the co-op if people could actually see the host vs. Just some faceless stranger of sorts. I've been following along reading your posts on my google reader and am happy too for you to see just how fulfilled you seem. As for your inspiring art--it just keeps getting more and more creative. It is exactly that--inspiring~

    2. Oh and yes, you DO need to join it! Haha, as if you aren't busy enough. How many years have I asked you to please contribute at least once in a while? lol. If you ever find a theme that works, by all means, sign up when done. Thank you again and for your compliment too. Aw.

  5. thank you, thank you! You rock! :D

  6. YAY! Gotta love a good creative alphabet! I'm in!

  7. this was a nice theme . I had fun creating my piece. thanks for the inspiration.

    hope you have a great day.

    1. Whoa, Lissa, you;re already done! Wow. So going to go check out your art right after writing this. Thank you so much for helping forge the way.

  8. So excited to do this! First time I have tried a link up like this! What a cool idea!
