UPDATE: I will post the NEW THEME after giving those of you who have not yet had the chance to visit each other and comment as part of this co-op. A special welcome to our newest contributors, Charu and Diana Evans back again! :)

Poppies. Copyright 2014 dottyhill.com Michael MacVean
© Copyright 2014 Dotty Hill Creative: "Poppies" (acrylics on canvas)

Phew, down to the wire again but here it is, finally! I started this yesterday (with Alex's B'day in mind) and after a few hours, put it away to sleep on it for awhile. It wasn't going nearly as well as initially envisioned in my mind but I also reminded myself that I've not painted in years (except for that Montmarte, Paris piece for CT) so of course a little rusty!

After work today and downing a very good cup of tea, I put on my scrubs and got cracking again. You should have seen how many times I painted over the sky and flowers until I felt it finally started speaking to me the direction in which it should go. Ha, I have to tell you, it was quite cathartic that when I finally finished (about 9-10 hours from first starting), I actually broke down and cried upon showing it to Alex! Oh dear me. It was a labour of love, pushing through and in the end, triumph, of sorts! :)

To see other photos of the work in progress, check out my biz Facebook

OK, thank you for joining me here back on CT's own blog and chipping in your own pieces too. Can't wait to see what everyone has done, leaving comments for those of you I haven't visited yet. Thanks again for being such inspirations for me. I wanted to do my best for you guys.


  1. It's beautful Michael! You outdid yourself! Love those skies too.

    1. Thank you for waiting up for me, Christine! Your comment means a lot.Thank you again! :)

  2. it is beautiful, I love the curve of the landscape, its makes it!

    1. Ha, that was initally by accident but when I saw it, i decided to emphasize that curve. :) Thank you.

  3. Just beautifull, Michael. The style reminds me of Renoir. I love the colours and textures of the sky and how you have centred the painting with that one high poppy. Perfect!

    1. You know, I didn't want to exactly centre the poppy but off to the side jsut a tad with it intersecting the horizon lines and confluence of colours and clouds make it more compelling, I think. thank you, I LOVE Renoir!!

  4. Dear Michael, I thought I made a comment already. sorry, I love your Poppies - at it looks like it was made by Renoir!! thihi - They are done so marvellous. Thanks for being you!!!
