Shatter the Glass Ceiling!
(Mr. Linky Up. NOW due Jan 5)

(Art by Harry Clarke, Irish artist with the Arts & Crafts Movement)

Looking around the blogosphere, it appears not many people are back online quite yet so I've decided to extend our CT deadline for another week. (Hope this helps.) If you've completed yours, please post below whenever ready. Otherwise, you have an extra week to get your art post completed.

In the meantime,  in case anyone's interested, I've written some of my own reflections on the past year and this xmas break. For now then, let me just wish each of you a very Happy New Year! See you here next week.

No, I really haven't gone all political here, that's not the purpose of an art co-op! However, as all of you are women,* I have to smile at the title in relation to our new theme. This art example though is a perfect piece for the holidays, regardless, and beautifully depicts a STAINED GLASS WINDOW. Don't worry though, no one's expecting you to work with real glass, unless of course you have an etching to do so! Hee. (Some examples are included in our Pinterest board btw, should any of you need further illumination.)

Until then, Happy Christmas from Creative Tuesdays! Enjoy the hols. While we won't be back here together again until most of them are over, I will likely add at least one Xmas post between now and then on my own blog in case any peeps visit. (Perhaps I'll show our Christmas card for this year, like we all did last year?) Now, gird up your creative resolve and shatter some of your artistic confines, seeing how far you can push yourself in the process. No bandages required but perhaps some mistletoe around your home might do? :)

*Hmm, we really do need some more diversity around here, gender-wise at least! 


  1. Oh she is beautiful and the stained glass...wonderful. I like this theme. By the way had my Tea Party today at the Villa...check out my post. They all enjoyed the English Breakfast Tea. First tea party for most of them.

    1. OOh, I was just on your site yesterday, catching up. Will definitely check it out. :) now, if only you could come to our Christmas Tea Party we are having in a while. How marvellous that would be.

      So glad you like the theme. This will be interesting. One ti: if you make the border all black it helps gives that illuminating quality of stained glass and your water colours will be PERFECT for this theme too. Enjoy!

    2. SO glad you are tea-ifying the populace there. I can't do it all, you know! Now, Wanda, what tea did you use. Please tell me it was not some herbal transfusion or Celestial Seasonings! :)

    3. It was England's No. ! PG Tips. I found it in So. CA. Yeah. The manager did put out some other tea bags....but once the ladies tasted PG....they were hooked.

    4. Good choice, Wanda. Very good choice. :)

    5. Yes, I have finished the watercolors in my stained glass window, and now will add the black with a wide wedge sharpie to get the jet black. It's had to get jet black even with watercolor. I'm having so much fun with this's really stretched my imagination but I'm happy with the results I'm getting.

  2. Will certainly have to shatter the artistic confines here, thanks for the challenge, you do have these great ideas Michael! Happy Holidays!

    1. I love coming up with good themes and surprising everyone, Christine. Thank you! Always challenging myself here too you know.

  3. Hi Michael, this one sounds fun and I used to do painted glass, so if I can find my paints, who knows, or even a fabric picture, so I shall try and join in again. Sending you and Alexandra seasons greetings.

    1. That sounds great, Linda. So glad this inspires you to try one out for Ct again. :) Every now and then is good too.

  4. good theme...

    hope you have a great holiday.

    1. Thank you. note the new them is now not due until Jan 5th! :)

  5. I have mine ready for this Tuesday - should I take off the link to Creative Tuesdays? It won't be open?

    1. go ahead and keep the link up and I will add the sing up now although everyone else will still have a week to complete. Actually, surprised that 3 of you got it done! thank you.

    2. Awesome. I am so thrilled. I can't believe the prompt is exactly what I needed for my Scripture for this week. I might try another for next week.

  6. I did have mine ready but I just changed the posting date, all good! Off to read your reflections.

    1. OK, sounds good. Well done! Thank you. you could go ahead and publish it for Tuesday and I will add the sign up by then although others will still have some time.

  7. Michael,
    I noticed that the sidebar links for Tracey and myself have no pictures? Do you know why?

    1. Janis, It's because your actual post starts with text rather than the image. This is how it appears in individual's blogger news feed as well. Thus, why it's always good to have your picture/image as the FIRST thing in your blog post. Hope this helps. :)

    2. Yes, as Alexandra noted, both of yours aren;t set up with the image being first so as the side bar does not show body copy there on that widget, it shows nothing. your image needs to start first then the copy and be limited to one image only too after the headline. The simpler, the better.

    3. Michael,
      If I added a feature image would that work? I use Or do I put the image at the top before the heading? I will try both and see what happens. Thanks.

  8. Thank you to Linda, Janis, and Wanda for getting theirs up here already in time for what was the initial deadline. I hope these inspire the rest of us to get ours down in the week ahead. Wonderful~

  9. what a beautiful,,challenge,, Happy New Year!!

    1. I hope you liked my piece on my own blog and might even consider joining along for the next challenge, Laurie? Thank you for popping by.
