New Theme. Due by Jan 19th. Sign up Now!

LOVE IS IN THE AIR...or soon will be anyway with Valentine's right around the corner.

For this piece (done 6 years ago for CT!) I was thinking of two ideas: "Home is where the heart is" and "Love will guide you home." So, for our next theme, I'd like you to add a drawing of a heart that is either depicted like it's floating or in the air or perhaps on something that's in the air. Whether you like Valentine's is a side point; regardless, we can all do with some more love around us, I'm sure. I'm looking forward to however you might depict this. Think happy thoughts and enjoy this fairly simpler challenge! :)

You can sign up now...

(BTW, I will post my artwork Tuesday late NIGHT. I've been quite busy lately, working half the weekend, for example, and so on. And yes, I've added comments back on now too. Oops!)


  1. You're right, Michael, this is one I'll enjoy. I love the one you did six years ago!

    1. I know you enjoy drawing hearts so it should be right up your alley. I'm SURE you will have fun with it. Looking forward to seeing whatever you come up with, Tracy.

  2. love will guide you home,, thats beautiful,,

  3. Lovely older drawing Michael! I will start thinking about this one!

    1. I am confident yours will be very designned and lovely. Thank you.

  4. such a sweet piece. I hope to join you all this time.

    1. OOh, that would be wonderful to see you here again, Tammie. If you can get around to it, wonderful! :) Thank you.

  5. I think I remember this one...maybe not, but I love it. One of the Rose Parade floats featured a bee hive and they used peanuts for the natural way to decorate it...A wonderful them. I'm in.

    1. If you were doing Create Tuesdays when Lissa ran the show back in 2009 or prior, then yes, you would remember this! But, dear Wanda, how could you ever forget ANYTHING I ever create? Shame on you! :) No, but seriously, thank you for playing along. Like I said on your blog, I can see you showing your treehouse apt somehow with hearts. :)

  6. Michael,
    Does that mean the link will be open for a week and the last time to link will be the 19th?

  7. I hope so too! It would be so cute

  8. here's a theme I can do, I think, but I don't have anything yet...

    happy tuesday!

  9. I joined you today. I was glad to find your fun little party!

    1. Yes, very glad to see you joined us. Hope you enjoy visiting and playing a part in this co-op. It's great fun and a a good way to keep one;s hand in art. Thank you for joining us!

  10. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL! Many happy returns - hear this is a big one so have a wonderful time with Alexandra! Can't leave a comment on your other blog tonight - have you set it up that way?

    Anyway - it's party time and you deserve a big one with paper hats, streamers and candles!
    Eat cake and have fun.
    Love, Mary

    1. Thank you Mary! VERy appreciated, let me tell you. I was wondering why people were checking out my art but no comments and no I see that I accidentally turned them off. They are back on now! Anyway, thank you so much for the b'day wishes!

  11. That's a sweet drawing. I should have titled my art journal page, "Can you find the heart in the air?" Blessings!

    1. Arnaldo, my comments are on now so you can visit my piece now if you tried before. Sorry about that and thank you so much for joining CT this go around. A guy, no less! Welcome.
