Sign up now for your "JOURNEY!"

Creative Tuesdays is back! I hope everyone has enjoyed the reprieve from the fortnightly challenges and are ready to pitch in their "journey" images here. Feel free to explain why you did your piece as such too. Please sign up below by Tuesday evening (GMT), August 16th. In fact, I might give us all until the morning of the 17th here (In UK) so, that means closer to midnight, MST.

Can't wait to see who joins in this time. I suspect it will be fewer but any of you who have done something, thank you! It will be fun to see how your both figuratively and literally, arrived at your destination, so to speak. :)


  1. Oh I meant to say how great that you can do your work remotely from London Michael, we truly are in a global world.

  2. Actually, doing my work from Yorkshire but same difference. It took some convincing, mind you, but there's no reason not to as that is the nature of my work-- all online.

  3. I read the theme but days passed and I couldn't think of a thing to do but maybe the next theme.

    have a lovely day.

  4. Hi All! I am working on a journey girl I don't know if she'll be done in time. I know it's not possible to post a work in progress so I hope I finish her in time and if not I'll post and let you guys know to check it on your own. Hope you are all well <3

    1. that sounds great, Donna or even post it if/when you do the next theme....which I really need to get up, actaully. Hmm...what shall I do.
