NEW THEME for July 2nd is....

Wow, how fun to have so many new peeps join in this last go round. If you haven't visited everyone yet, do be sure to welcome the newbies and enjoy various interpretations along the way. I'm amazed anyone did else did ALL the alphabet so a special hats off to Alexandra and Lissa for doing just that. Crazy like me! Lol. Oh, and... thanks to Tranifer through whom I've learned that a good description for my own alphabet is Cryptozoology! Who would have known! Funny, as I really am not even into monsters per se, or legends, but there you go — just had to try it.

OK, so for the next theme, we're going to  look at....

(I like how this looks like a key, a tree, and a lampost! Clever.)

MOVING in, "we're moving" or "we've moved" or "new home" and other such announcements. Feel free to add a fake address and/or name for an example for your very own custom orders if you like! Enjoy. Until then... be safe out there and please don't be like me, leaving it to the last few days. Simply get movin' now! :)

(* As always, please feel free to first read CREATIVE TUESDAYS Guidelines, Rules & FAQ —especially if new here— for keeping consistency and brand ID on our co-op and with respect to all those who contribute here. ONLY posts that clearly follow the simple guidelines will be included or commented on, in interest of time and so on. Thank you.)


  1. This is a cute idea, I know Alexandra our Sunday Sketches host is actually moving, she will love this theme.

  2. Mine is on its way. Since we have also been moving for the past 3 months I had no lack of ideas. I'll be posting soon.

  3. Struggled a bit with this one, but I'm done and happy with it. Hope you like :0)

  4. While I'm still trying to find out how to fix my problem, if you would like to see my entry please type the following, (only I'm putting it in words because blogger won't let me put my address, so you format it please) flamblogger dot blogspot dot com Sorry for the trouble

  5. I am going to make it my mission to get back into Creative Tuesdays!
